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Iridescent Freshwater Pearls with Charm Holder Clasp


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Natural fresh water pearls with this type of iridescence and color are known as "pond slime" pearls, a term coined by pearl vendors that pretty accurately describes the rainbow sheen of their luster. Each one has it's own character and no two are exactly alike.

We've knotted this strand on turquoise silk to enhance the aqua, orchid and seafoam undertones in their glow, and finished the necklace with an antique 9k clip clasp to give it versatility as a piece that can hold your favorite charms or pendant.

Details: The pearls measure approximately 10 mm- 13 mm with a 17" necklace length. The clip is marked for 9k, the findings are 14k.

Care note: To keep your pearls glowing for the next generation, remove after wear and occasionally wipe with a soft cloth to remove perfumes and makeup residue.